Our Story

At Sacred Bean Coffee we’re all about great-tasting coffee and we’re all about people. 

Sacred Bean Coffee is a non-profit social enterprise that was pioneered by people overcoming life-controlling issues. We seek to bring you great tasting coffee that helps people in need from the farm to the roasting room.

From the small coffee producers around the world who we trade with directly, and our Sacred Bean Crew of staff and volunteers facing diverse barriers to work, to our lovely customers – we want to do things differently to make a positive difference from bean to cup. And we want to bring you great coffee that helps people in need from the farm to the roasting room.

From small beginnings, we set up as a Community Interest Company in mid-2019. After moving our roasting operation around several church-based locations in Derby as we grew, we found our permanent home at Derby City Mission.

In 2022 we installed our fantastic new gas roaster and set up our office and packing area there.

But that was just one part of our journey. In July 2021, we also opened our flagship café at the Shot Tower in Derby City Centre, in partnership with Derby City Council and Community Action. We employed several young people who have gone on to other things and ran a winter warm hub. We have now closed our cafe but watch this space for updates on our new location coming soon,

It’s been a challenge, it’s been fun, and there’s plenty more we’d love to do.

We hope you’ll join us in our journey by buying or gifting our coffee, setting up a subscription, having us cater for your event or even volunteering for the Sacred Bean Coffee Crew! Contact us if you’d like to find out more.

“Create the right culture and it will flourish,”

Darren Howie, Founder of Sacred Bean Coffee

Thanks to the following organizations for their amazing support:

About Community Action Derby

Community Action Derby is a registered charity providing support and guidance for voluntary and community groups such as ourselves. They run the Volunteer Centre in Derby and have a host of initiatives under their umbrella. We at Sacred Bean Coffee are a part of Community Action Derby’s ‘Derby Food 4 Thought’ programme. Initially set up to help respond to people in Derby’s needs during the pandemic, the initiative has grown and is now searching for long-term solutions to the root causes of local poverty.

About Derby City Council

Derby City Council are committed supporters of our work.  Like us, they are committed to creatively tackling the issues of homelessness and addiction that effect people’s ;ives and society.  We look forward to collaborating with them more in the months and years to come. Check them out here.

About Foundation Derbyshire

Foundation Derbyshire uses donations to help fund hundreds of small community groups and charities. Over nearly three decades, Foundation Derby has made over £14 million grants in the Derbyshire area. Sacred Bean Coffee has benefited hugely from grants from Foundation Derbyshire and we’re incredibly grateful for their support. Find out more about the wonderful work these guys do here.

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