Sacred Bean Coffee were paid a visit by Derby Telegraph
Here’s the results…
A former heroin addict who is now a priest in Derby has completely turned his life around to set up his own business.
Reverend Darren Howie, of Derby Methodist Circuit in the city centre, is using his past experience as an addict and ex-offender to help others in similar situations.
In 2004, after being addicted to drugs for years, Darren was given an ultimatum that if he didn’t change his lifestyle, he would die.
He said the problems began during his teenage years growing up on a “poor estate” on the west coast of Scotland.
He said he was introduced to solvents at a young age and his addiction then progressed into abusing heroin.
The reverend spent the majority of his adolescence moving in and out of the care system and eventually ended up in prison
He was then in and out of prison for a decade but claims that the final instance was for a crime he didn’t commit.
At that point, he said he hit “rock bottom” and it was then that the institution’s chaplain told Darren that his addiction would kill him if he didn’t act.
“I developed a love for all things coffee, particularly the ethics and science around coffee,” he said.
The dad-of-three went on to complete a BA in Practical Theology and Masters degree in Ministry and Mission, where he focused his study around the criminal justice system.
He has worked as a church leader and pastor for over a decade and has been a priest since 2017.
Ordained as a priest at St Peter’s Church, in the city centre, Darren now works for the Derby Methodist Circuit.
Read more or watch interview here…